noocleo associate visual & web designer

gaetano barba

noocleo associate
visual & web designer

My passion for visual communication was born of a love of art and design in all its forms. I am fascinated by the evocative power that images can exert over the spiritual fiber of human beings. The curiosity of discovering new visual languages and exploring different expressive forms accompanies me on a daily basis on my personal and professional journey.

My style, essentially minimalistic, is based on the simplicity of the sign, ready to capture the emotional aspect of a visual message in order to make functional its intention of spreading an idea or a concept. For me, a project is where form meets content, where aesthetic expression meets technical skill; it is a constructive process where creativity is unleashed only to be translated in a language that is capable of reinventing itself, time and again.

My professional experience covers various spheres of visual communication: from graphic design to publishing, from web design to development, from illustration to photography.

I like team work, where an exchange of views and dialog continually give me new creative stimuli.


  • visual design
  • web design
  • html5/css3


