noocleo co-founder team builder
& education manager

mariano tescione

noocleo co-founder
team builder & education manager

I studied Economy, but it wasn’t my thing. During online training for professionals, I discovered the world of techniques of personal communication. I became passionate about it. So I used the strategies learned from the course organizers to motivate staff and I discovered that… they really work!

This was the start of a professional development and lifelong learning in different fields of psychology that has led me to in-class training and the responsibility of receiving students and carrying out education planning with different institutions, both accredited and independent.

As a public communicator, creator and organizer of public relations activities on different projects and courses, I take care of organizational wellbeing, start-up companies, and the launching of training institutes.

Passionate as I am about the theater, I steal its strategies and blend them with psychology and other disciplines in order to focus on group and conflict management as a behavioral technician.

As a professional mediator of conciliation in disputes pre-proceedings, I use all communication techniques with an innovative approach to satisfy the underlying needs, rather than fruitlessly analyzing the different positions.

As a planner, trainer and selector of civil service personnel, I get involved in voluntary work. For me, it is a whole new world. I realize that the soul is the biggest part of you, the part you use when you confront others. This is why today I try to bestow on work groups the personal serenity that drives my productivity and my life.

the object that represents me


  • effective communication
  • team building
  • mediation
  • responsible for training


