noocleo associate
What does it mean to write for advertising purposes? Well, a writer writes about whatever they want. A copywriter writes about what the agency and the client want. So a copywriter’s craft is that of an artisan: finding the proper balance between commissioned work and work done for sheer pleasure.
This means the freedom to express yourself with passion in creative writing in order to create an efficient marketing message based on experience and method. Because a good copywriter is also a good poet, while the opposite is not always true.
My workshop is home to many things: a spacious library, many educational books, dictionaries, readers, encyclopedias. There are many different tools on my work desk: notes written on scraps of paper, block notes, clippings from newspapers and magazines, markers, ballpoint pens and post-it notes. But my main tool is my PC and its monitor, keyboard and mouse: the instruments I use to compose symphonies of words and phrases.
I share every stage of my work with the team and the client in real time by means of online job management platforms. I communicate via cell phone, e-mail, chat and video conference. I navigate the galaxies of the internet and social networks in search for inspiration. To familiarize myself with a subject matter, I use search engines, discussion forums, websites, and multiple author blogs.
My workshop is a voyaging vessel looking for new ports and knowledge forums, loaded with writing and communication skills. It is where an emotional scribe, with wisdom and devotion, patiently etches away on intangible clay tablets that tell epic tales of companies and their products.